I came across an abundance of useful suggestions for decision making, here are a few I thought worth sharing;

  1. Make decisions in an environment that is positive and when you feel secure, create that space.
  2. Explore alternatives; and this may mean asking someone to help you, someone you trust to let you know the truth, or who is good at being devils advocate, or hearing themes you keep repeating.
  3. Act as soon as possible, don’t delay, or indecision will come back and you’ll freeze.
  4. Focus on the empowered feelings you get after making a decision as a driver to act.
  5. Edward de Bono’s six hats are great visuals to use, there are different coloured hats you can play with dependant on the type of problem solving you are doing.
  6. Let go of having to know all the facts, determine only the criteria you need to know to make a choice. There may only be 2 or 3 things you need to know – seriously.
  7. Trust your gut, but also trust your head. See if you can get them aligned. Write down what both are sensing, then decide which one can be tweaked in order to get them working together before you act.
  8. Trust your expertise (or head) in familiar situations or problems.
  9. When you need a breakthrough, don’t jump to conclusions or think rationally, but spend more time on options and listen to your intuition a little more.
  10. Imagine the right answer, and it doesn’t always have to be rational or make sense!
  11. And one final point from me… PERSIST – it’s a new habit you’re creating, so don’t give up if you feel yourself falling into old indecisive habits.

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I’m an experienced career coach and mentor here to help you improve your mindset, motivation and momentum. I believe everyone has the power to change their lives. It starts with taking responsibility.